The latest edition  of Dr David’s book, 'David Defeats Goliath' is now available globally!

The latest edition  of Dr David’s book, 'David Defeats Goliath' is now available globally! Grab a copy of your hardback, paperback or ebook options!

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David Defeats Goliath Book

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David Defeats Goliath by David Makongo

DAVID DEFEATS GOLIATH is a proverbial walk down the mountains and valleys of our lives. It is filled with wise counsel from across generations and different sages. It is predicated on the fact that one man with the right mind frame can win epic battles. Using his own life, while growing up in rural Southern Cameroons, Dr. David Makongo captures the moods of the young folks fighting oppression back home, and with snippets, boosts the waning morale of his Ambazonian brethren, who in their vast majority are asking questions whether the path to freedom they took is tenable.

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